Morrow County Township Association

“Bringing Together Morrow County’s Townships.” 


Welcome to the Morrow County Township Association’s (MCTA) website serving the 16 townships and their constituents.



The constituents of each township elects “3” trustees and “1” fiscal officer to perform and oversee the wide variety of responsibilities based on Ohio law. For those living within the township, the township is their most direct form of government, making townships Ohio’s grassroots government. 



The Morrow County Township Association is a self-governed organization comprised of elected representatives from the townships. The board consists of a chair, vice-Chair, and fiscal officer. The organization exists not only as a way to lobby for the townships as a whole to county and state officials, but as a way for the townships to share their experiences and improve the way in which Ohio’s most direct form of government exists and operates.


Dedicated to the promotion of grassroots government, the organization allows Morrow County’s townships to act as a unified body in the countywide development and well-being of its constituents through various scholarships, donations, promotional materials, and funding of beneficial projects from county governing bodies. Our trustees and fiscal officers are local people making local decisions. As public servants dedicated to the betterment of our communities, we are part-time local government employees with full-time responsibilities.


To learn more about your township, please use the coordinating township link to contact your officials.